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A Typical Night in Alpha


Each session begins with a spectacular free meal, providing an opportunity to get to know others in a casual setting. This is followed by a short talk from a recognized speaker, which examines a different aspect of the Christian faith, then open discussion in English or Spanish.

6:30 PM


Dinner Reception.  Guests usually share with other members of their own ‘group. It is the opportunity to meet new friends.


7 PM


Talk.  The main talk of the evening addresses a key issue relating to the Christian faith.  Our course will use a Nicky Gumbel's video as speaker. The course  is supported by all the main Christian denominations. For example, the Alpha course has been run by thousands of Catholic churches in more than 65 countries around the world.


8 PM


Small Groups.  All guests will share their personal conclusion and ideas about the video in small group sessions, which are the most valuable and rewarding times of the whole Alpha course.  The sessions are an opportunity to ask questions, express opinions and to discuss the topic of the evening.  They also provide an opportunity to make friends and to bounce ideas around in a relaxed and non-threatening environment.

Alpha is a place where no question is too simple or too much. Every question is welcome and we don’t assume any background, knowledge of or belief in Christianity.




You can come with your children to our course, they will share with you the wonderful experience of Alpha. We have people who can take care of their children and share with them activities and games related to our main topic.  The dinner will be served to the children too.

8:45 PM


Each session ends with a moment of reflection, and guests are free to stay and chat if they would like.




The course includes an amazing Saturday to explore who is the Holy Spirit, and how he works.

It will be a time to reflect, pray and enjoy the presence and love of  the Holy Spirit.

Some of our topics

Christianity: Boring, Untrue or Irrelevant?
Who is Jesus? Why did he die?
How can I be sure of my faith?
Why and how should I read The Bible?
Why and how do I pray?
How does God guide?


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